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Razoration is a social enterprise striving to eradicate poverty in the UK through equipping homeless individuals with employable skills to enhance their job prospects, bringing them out of poverty and improving their standard of living. We aim to eradicate poverty through establishing a door-to-door hairdressing service for students in Nottingham. The profits from these haircuts will cross-subsidise the costs of providing homeless individuals with haircuts and financing their enrolment onto barbering courses.
Razoration hopes to tackle the issue of homelessness and both absolute and relative poverty within Nottinghamshire and raise awareness on the problem of, and associated with, homelessness. Our mission is to develop careers for passionate individuals through assisting them into employment. In addition, we hope to change society’s mindset, through reducing social isolation and the stigma associated with homelessness.
We are currently in the innovation stage, looking to implement as soon as restrictions permit.
The Sustainable Development Goals which Razoration tackle are no poverty, decent work and economic growth and reduced inequalities. We are working towards no poverty through enrolling homeless individuals onto our barbering courses to assist them in work, where a living wage can then be earned to bring them out of poverty. Through increasing the number of homeless individuals working, we will subsequently be reducing the unemployment rate of the UK. If all 320,000 homeless individuals in the UK were able to obtain work, this would reduce the UK’s unemployment rate by 0.5%, further increasing the Countries GDP. Assisting some of the poorest individuals in the country obtain work, and start earning an income, will help reduce the significantly large income and wealth gap we experience here in the UK. We aim to bring society closer together, both physically, mentally and financially.